Swayzine Let’s Re-define Women’s History This Month FROM OUR CEO: March is a great month because 1) it’s no longer February, and…Tracie NallMarch 23, 2023
Swayzine Worried about a TikTok ban? Here’s what to do! FROM OUR CEO: “If TikTok gets banned, what happens to our campaign?” — brands “Should…Tracie NallMarch 9, 2023
Swayzine Why do we all love 😍 THIS so much? FROM OUR CEO: If there was a single running theme for this year’s Super Bowl…Tracie NallFebruary 23, 2023
Swayzine The Ultimate Irony of the ‘De-Influencing’ Trend FROM OUR CEO: Here are just a few of the headlines that are popping up…Tracie NallFebruary 16, 2023
Swayzine This Just In: Sky NOT Falling FROM OUR CEO: If you were making any marketing decisions based solely on my LinkedIn…Sway GroupJanuary 31, 2023
Swayzine You can find us HERE in 2023 FROM OUR CEO: Hello, and happy 2023! What a relief that we’re starting out the…Tracie NallJanuary 12, 2023
Swayzine Six Red-Hot Influencer Predictions for 2023 FROM OUR CEO: Since December is such a low-key month with so very little going…Tracie NallDecember 8, 2022
Swayzine *knock knock* Oh hiiii, can we visit? FROM OUR CEO: As I write this, my agency management team has just returned from…Tracie NallNovember 10, 2022
Swayzine No shame 🔔 in 2023 FROM OUR CEO: I don’t want to freak anyone out, but … *double-checks calendar* it’s…Sway GroupOctober 28, 2022
Swayzine Kim Kardashian’s SEC fine FROM OUR CEO: Did you see the news that Kim Kardashian recently landed in hot…Sway GroupOctober 13, 2022