Influencer Marketing FAQs

What do influencer marketing agencies do?

There are different kinds of influencer marketing agencies: some offer a full spectrum of professional services, while others are more limited in scope. A top-quality influencer marketing agency will evaluate your business needs, campaign key performance indicators (KPIs), and target consumer mindset in order to develop a strategic, results-driven influencer marketing campaign. A full-service influencer marketing agency like Sway Group is capable of handling all elements of your influencer marketing campaign from start to finish, including connecting you with the best influencers to deliver the type of content that will resonate with your target audience.

What is an influencer?

Social media influencers are people who have built a following on one or more social platforms for their knowledge and expertise on a specific topic. They regularly post content and engage with their followers in a way that motivates their followers to take action, which is where the term “influencer” comes from.

What's the benefit to working with an influencer marketing agency as opposed to an influencer marketing platform?

The main benefit of working with an influencer marketing agency vs an influencer marketing platform is that an agency provides strategic guidance and is able to execute all elements of your campaign. With a platform, you are typically on your own to find, vet, and hire influencers — before going on to execute and manage your campaign. If you’re looking for service and expertise in influencer marketing campaigns, we recommend working with an influencer marketing agency.

Is Sway Group a full-service influencer marketing agency?

Yes! Sway Group is a full-service influencer marketing agency. Our goal is to make life easier for our clients. From recruitment to influencer relations to quality assurance and reporting, we are right there with you every step of the way. Our team handles influencer recruitment and management, tracks all content to ensure it’s compliant and meets FTC guidelines, handles all paperwork and influencer payments, provides in-depth campaign metrics and analysis, and much more!

How much does an influencer marketing campaign cost at Sway Group?

Typically, Sway Group programs start between $50,000 – $75,000, with guaranteed metrics for every campaign. However, our pricing and offerings are highly customized based on specific client strategies and goals.  Our influencer marketing campaigns include content and platform strategy, recruitment, influencer management & QA, and first party metrics via our client-facing dashboard.

How does Sway Group find influencers for campaigns?

Our influencer network is an ever-growing and evolving group of over 30K authenticated content creators that span different social platforms, content niches, geographies, genders, ethnicities, sexual preference, and age. If we’re not able to find in-network influencers who are exactly right for your marketing efforts, our Influencer Management team will identify social media influencers outside of our network to join the campaign.

We have strong relationships with our influencers and make it our mission to pair the best influencers to each program. Sway offers a high-touch, human-driven process throughout every stage of a campaign, as opposed to a technology-based platform where you are responsible for the program details on your own. During influencer vetting, we ask a series of detailed questions in order to learn as much as we can about the influencers and to better understand their potential fit for a campaign. There are a number of elements that our team looks at when selecting and hiring influencers, including relevance, reach, organic fit with the brand client, and more.

Our expert team of Influencer Management professionals searches and reviews potential influencers before putting together a highly targeted list of possibilities for client review. Sway’s innovative Influencer Dashboard is where we share dynamic influencer profile one-sheets that include social reach, engagement rate, audience demographics, and historical performance, among other data points.

Do your influencer campaigns include paid amplification?

Social platform algorithms are constantly evolving, making it harder for influencers to organically reach their audience without any kind of paid amplification. It is standard practice at Sway Group to dedicate a portion of each influencer campaign budget to paid social media to ensure that our client’s message reaches their intended audience. We have years of experience and a deep understanding of what kinds of content will lead to specific client KPIs. As a result, our campaigns with paid amplification now provide a minimum of 50% more impressions and engagements.

How do you develop influencer marketing strategies for your clients?

We always start by establishing goals: we get a clear understanding of a brand’s KPIs and what success looks like to them, before moving on to specific program details. From there, we develop big-picture content strategies, including platform and media recommendations as well as best-practice guidance for driving action.

Digital Advertising FAQs

What types of digital advertising does Sway Group offer?

We know that even the most compelling social content can get lost in today’s noisy platforms, thanks in no small part to ever-changing display algorithms. We leverage our longtime expertise in matching high-performing content with targeted audiences in order to offer paid social strategies that capture attention and drive meaningful engagement. We also provide uniquely effective programmatic ad services, with best-practice placement strategies and cutting-edge social display ads.

How is Sway Group different from other digital advertising services?

We are digital content experts who use our audience-engaging capabilities to develop successful paid social and programmatic strategies in addition to influencer marketing and branded content services. Cookie cutter, one-size-fits-all campaigns have no place at our agency: our deep understanding of the kinds of content that generate specific KPIs means that we know how to create and deploy the most effective social ads across any platform.  In short, we know how to get the right content in front of the right people — at the right time and place.

Do we need to hire Sway Group for an influencer campaign in order to execute a digital advertising campaign?

Not at all! We often combine these services for clients — for example, identifying the highest-performing content from an influencer campaign to leverage into dynamic programmatic social display ads — but our influencer marketing and digital advertising services are separate offerings. Clients can combine any of our influencer marketing/branded content/digital advertising options, or select a standalone service.

Do you optimize your client’s digital ads or do you “set it and forget it?”

While many programmatic services are fully automated, at Sway Group we personally review content and publishers for best-practice placement strategies. We don’t just plug in your data and walk away, we continually refine and optimize based on data-driven insights and our own firsthand expertise.

What is a digital advertising strategy?

Paid digital advertising is the marketing tactic of publishing promotional material through online platforms like social media, search engines, websites, mobile apps, and more. Simply put, a digital advertising strategy is the game plan for creating and sharing this material. At Sway Group, our digital advertising strategies are designed to organically integrate into your target customer’s web experience, with authentic calls to action that guide them to your brand-owned landing pages. 

What is the difference between digital advertising and digital marketing?

You can think of digital advertising as a component of digital marketing. Digital marketing utilizes online-based digital technologies, media, and platforms to promote products and services. It’s marketing that happens on electronic devices, basically, and digital advertising is one tactic of promoting branded content to highly targeted online audiences. 

Content Studio FAQs

Why did Sway Group launch a Content Studio?

From social media posts and email marketing to website content and promotional materials of all kinds, there’s a strong brand need for outstanding content that encourages consumers to take action. We launched our Content Studio in order to offer clients the option for securing high-quality, fast-turn brand-owned content. Our team of skilled creators is ready to transform your ideas into eye-catching digital media, all custom developed with your audience and brand KPIs in mind.

What is included in a Content Studio program?

With the Sway Group Content Studio, you can expand your library of audience-centric content assets, all without ownership limitations or the need to run an influencer marketing campaign. Our Content Studio programs are customized for each client depending on brand needs and timing. Our talent pool of creative directors, photographers, videographers, writers, and graphic designers can quickly and efficiently produce the kind of on-trend, original content that resonates with your target audience.

How does Content Studio work with your other services?

Like all of our services, our Content Studio is available as a standalone option, or we can develop a custom campaign that combines any of our services for a more complete package. For instance, our digital advertising services can promote influencer content, Content Studio content, or brand-created content. Our influencer marketing programs can be amplified with uniquely effective social display ads, or paid social platform boosting. Our services are designed to work together or separately, depending on client needs.