Parenting Case Study: Ergobaby

A young black mother with her baby
A young white mother with her baby in a front carrier and young son at a laptop
Organic Impressions (5x Guarantee)
Organic Engagements
Organic Clicks

Brand Challenge: Ergobaby wanted help driving awareness across a full year for premium products, including the Omni and Embrace carriers, bouncer, and stroller.




Ergobaby places a huge importance on diversity and inclusion, so we needed the influencers and the content to reflect this. We recruited 38 parenting and lifestyle influencers from a variety of backgrounds who had babies in the specific age and size ranges for the Ergobaby products.

We worked with the Ergobaby team to arrange virtual fit checks for the influencers creating carrier content to ensure the product was worn correctly. Influencers created videos and photos that matched the type of content they regularly publish on their profiles.

The content showcased their assigned products in use and focused on driving engagement. They also included strong calls to action for audiences to click through to campaign landing pages.

Interested in a program like this for your brand? Reach out today!

"Sway Group's content quality is top of the line, their influencers are always a great fit with our brand, and their commitment to diversity and inclusion shines through in all that they do. They've been our partner for years because they really and truly understand our mission, our audience, and our goals."

Christina Soletti, Director, Social Media + Community


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