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March is a great month because 1) it’s no longer February, and 2) it’s the time when we typically see more attention paid to increasing awareness and knowledge of women’s roles in history, as well as promoting gender equality and women’s rights.

(For anyone who might be tempted to grumble about why women get a WHOLE MONTH of recognition, pardon me while I roll my eyes so hard I have to dig them back out with a grapefruit spoon.)

women's history monthThis year’s theme from the National Women’s History Alliance has been particularly well-suited for Sway Group: “Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories.” The NWHA is encouraging recognition of women, past and present, who have been active in all forms of media and storytelling — including print, radio, TV, stage, screen, blogs, podcasts, and more.

This month, we’ve been celebrating the women who are telling our stories online — in blogs, on social media, and in shared videos and written words and images.

We founded Sway Group nearly twelve years ago (!) with a mission we have stuck by ever since:

We elevate the field of marketing through the empowerment of employees and influencers, the amplification of diverse voices and experiences, and the creation and distribution of high quality, engaging content that reaches the right audiences, with the right message, at the right time.

Our agency has grown and evolved over the years, but our credo remains the same. We have always honored the power of women sharing inspiration, validation, and support for each other through digital storytelling.

As a women-led, women-run agency, we have a unique perspective and understanding of the female-identifying audience. When you work with us on a campaign targeted for women, you get an entire organization that knows how to connect with female consumers and create marketing strategies that truly resonate. (In other words, no condescending laundry ads … ever.)

The bottom line: Women understand the needs and interests of other women and can speak to them authentically and empathetically. Unlike, say, a roundtable of men in a creative agency deciding what THE LADIEZ care about.

This Women’s History Month, why not consider hiring women influencers to help spread the word through their own perspectives and lived experiences? Whatever your business goals may be, we have the talent pool to bring your brand story to life.

Want to learn more about our influencers, or how we set up our campaigns? Talk to us today about setting up a quick meeting for your team, online or in-person.


