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Swayzine - Influencer Marketing InsightsHey there,

This year has definitely kept us on our toes, and I’ve been reflecting on a few things that pushed us to think differently (in a good way). No matter how long you’ve been in the influencer marketing world, there’s always something new around the corner — it’s just the nature of the industry! With that in mind, here are three things that stood out for us this year:

1) Canadian Influencers: Same Continent, Different Rules

You’d think Canadian and U.S. influencers would work pretty much the same way, right? Turns out, not so much. For starters, the CPM (cost per thousand impressions) on the paid amplification of the content is quite different, and Canadian influencers also tend to be more expensive. But the real surprise? Photos actually perform better than videos in Canada, which is the opposite of what we usually see in the U.S. Just goes to show how important it is to really know your audience — even across borders — because those preferences can make or break a campaign.

2) Food Content: The Secret Sauce to Virality

We’ve seen it over and over again: if you want a piece of sponsored content to go viral, food is your best bet. In fact, out of all the content we worked on this year, the top 10 most viral posts were all food-related. From cult-favorite recipes to creative meal hacks, people just can’t get enough. For example, check out this sponsored recipe for homemade chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream or this adorable kid-friendly holiday tree snack tray. Food really hits people on an emotional level, which is why it gets such great engagement. Definitely something to consider for your next campaign.

3) Cold Emailing: Still Alive & Kicking

I’ve been shouting this from the rooftops on LinkedIn lately, but it’s worth repeating: cold emailing is NOT dead. I’m in the middle of a four-part series all about how cold emails can still open doors, land meetings, and spark great partnerships. The feedback has been fantastic, and we’ve seen firsthand how this ‘old-school’ approach is still highly effective when done right. You can check out my latest post here, and keep an eye out for the final part of the series tomorrow.

This year has served up some reminders that even in a fast-changing business like ours, there are always unexpected twists and turns. And honestly, while some of those surprises can be challenging, they keep things exciting by pushing us to get creative and adjust on the fly. The key is to roll with it, learn as we go, and stay flexible so we’re ready for whatever comes next.

Want more info on anything we talked about here? Reach out anytime or connect with me on LinkedIn.
