VSP Multi-generational Campaign

Brand Challenge:

VSP Vision Care partnered with Sway Group for an influencer marketing campaign that would boost brand awareness among Boomers and retiree audiences.

Campaign Success:


Video Views





The Sway Solution:

We recognized a great opportunity to reach Boomers through their adult children and other family members, which led us to develop a multigenerational program that included target-age influencers as well as younger influencers with older parents.

Influencers shared their genuine thoughts around the importance of vision coverage through a variety of perspectives, promoting VSP brand benefits with a strong emphasis on key differentiators.

We chose to focus on blog posts and video content in order to appeal to target audience platform preferences and improve SEO results, and we also included social media amplification on Facebook and Twitter. All content included a strong call to action to VSP’s landing page with the ongoing goal of increased plan enrollment.

Interested in learning more about how we can reach your target market? Contact us today for more details on our capabilities.